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Illuminating Senses:

Responsive Textile Prototype

Illuminating Senses is a prototype for an electronic embedded textile which responds to pressure. The project was a collaboration for a seminar research course advised by Sean Ahlquist at Taubman College, making use of the Stoll Knitting CNC Machine.


The project goal was to acheive a feedback system for users who have low pressure awareness. The textile is embedded with flex sensors along the edges of the acrylic frame, which connect in a circuit to microLEDs which are on an independent textile from the exterior. These flex sensors send information caused by resistance changes, to an arduino MEGA, which was programmed to send signal to the various color LEDs in response to the amount of pressure on the surface.



Collaborators: Kristen Gandy, Daniel Fougere, & Lucien Menair


Advisor : Sean Ahlquist

Acknowledgements: University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning

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